Year 6 - Oak Class
Welcome to Year 6!
Highlight of the week 03/03/25: Key Stage 2 have had the biggest pleasure to have a workshop given by Adi on Anti-Racism. We had the safe space to converse and discuss about racism and what we already know and exploring how race is an idea or concept. Throughout the workshop, we learnt about different types of racism, such as structural racism and about privilege. As we left, we were all inspired to make a difference!
Highlight of the week 10/02/25: Year 6 had an absolute blast during their Forest School session this half term! We learnt how to start fires, made fruit and yumminess kebabs for the birds, and we also made bird shaped cookies for the birdies using lard, seeds and sweet raisins. We also had free play in the forest; climbing trees, playing in the hammocks and making mini tipis. Year 6 are already looking forward to their next trip to the forest!
Highlight of the week 27/01/25: Year 6 have started a new invasion sport, known as Handball. They have been practising really hard and have really enjoyed learning about a new style of throwing. They've been using skills they have previously learnt through netball and basketball. As always, they have thrown themselves in and given 100%.
Highlight of the week 13/01/25: Year 6 have had a great start to the new year! They are super excited for the year ahead and the new challenges and adventures they will be experiencing. Our first piece of art work for this term was a beautiful winter-themed piece using the northern lights as inspiration. They worked on different techniques and have created wonderful and impactful final pieces.
Highlight of the week 9/12/24: Year 6 have had a busy start to the festive season! We have had our Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas arts and crafts afternoon and we have also had our annual baking session! The children have loved participating and have been engaged throughout! Thank you to all the parents who always support us and thank you Year 6 for a brilliant Autumn Term!
Highlight of the week 25/11/24: Year 6 have had an absolutely fantastic week! We've had the amazing opportunity to go to the Lincolnsfield Centre to learn about WW2. All the children were amazing and thoroughly engaged throughout! We also had the opportunity to perform an interesting investigation on gummy bears about osmosis and diffusion. Finally, we finished the week with a fabulous advent service at St Albans Cathedral, where the children sang beautifully and happily showed their Park Street values throughout.
Highlight of the week 11/11/24: Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed showing their solidarity during anti-bullying
week! We have had some fantastic in-depth discussions about the meaning of bullying, how to support victims and the effects of it.
Highlight of the week 21/10/24: This half term, Year 6 have been focusing on activism through art. We have been discussing what we would like to stand up against and seeing how we can achieve that through the medium of art. This linked beautifully with our RE learning, about Buddhism and how they strive to live by the Four Noble
Truths and the Eightfold Path.
Highlight of the week 07/10/24: This week in Year 6, we have been learning about the Five Morals. The children had the opportunity to find a way to portray each in a positive manner. Can you guess which one is which?
1. Do not take the life of any living thing.
2. Do not steal.
3. Be faithful.
4. Do not drink alcohol.
5. Do not lie.
Highlight of the week 23/09/24: As part of European Language Day, Year 6 have had a fantastic time learning about the Lord's Prayer in Ancient Greek! They also thoroughly enjoyed being able to perform a poem in a foreign language! It was in Hungarian and all about Spring. In Spanish, they enjoyed learning about all the different colours!
Highlight of the week 09/09/24: Oak Class have had a fantastic start to their first week of Year 6. Launch day was a great success, where the children had the opportunity to create Viking Longboats. Also, many children wrote eloquent persuasive speeches to earn children's votes for Head Boy and Head Girl. As a result, we have our new Head Boy, Jerry and our new Head Girl, Lois. Please do congratulate them!