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Year 2 - Maple Class

Welcome to Year 2!

Highlight of the week 03/03/25: Wow! What an amazing week for Year 2! We started off by beginning our new experiment in Science by testing what factors can affect a plant’s growth and stop it from being a lovely healthy plant. Maple class also enjoyed Pancake Day when they had the opportunity to create their very own pancakes. Yummy! Finally, Year 2 had an amazing World Book Day to finish off the amazing week! Hmmm! I wonder where Wally is?


Highlight of the week 10/02/25: Year 2 have had such great fun over the past few weeks making lots of 'Lunar New Year' dishes. They thoroughly enjoyed working together as a team, learning more about what people from around the world like to eat and what the different food items symbolise in their culture.


Highlight of the week 27/01/25: Year 2 have been doing great recently getting into the Chinese New Year rhythm. The students created their own 3D dragon cutouts as well trying out various different flavours of rice - a key ingredient in many traditional dishes – and offering them an extraordinary experience.


Highlight of the week 13/01/25: Year 2 have transitioned amazingly into the new year by kicking things off with a fantastic first forest school session of the year! In this session, we created 'fruit kebabs' to hang up in our forest ready for birds to eat through the winter. Year 2 are really looking forward to the term ahead as we set to cover topics such as money in maths, spreadsheets in computing or even the story of Rapunzel in English with our own little magical twist!

Highlight of the week 9/12/24: This week has most certainly been an amazing week. Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their Christmas lunch as well as spending time with all the teachers and support staff in the lunch hall. We have also been busy creating chocolate cornflake cupcakes ready to be sold at the Christmas Fayre.


Highlight of the week 25/11/24: Year 2 have had an amazing week at school. Last week, they started working on their fire trucks for DT, which have all come out very well. For 'No Pens Day' they all had an incredible time taking part in all the activities.


Highlight of the week 11/11/24: Year 2 had great fun in this week’s PSHE lesson which was all about respect and 
being kind to others. We took part in role-playing situations and worked together to resolve the issues. Everyone in Year 2 contributed greatly to the purpose of saying NO to bullying and how we can always be kind and respectful to each other. Last week was another fantastic week for Year 2 as the children took part in baking 
bread to learn more about our new History unit: ‘The Great Fire of London'.


Highlight of the week 21/10/24: WOW! What an amazing and fun week Maple class have had this week. For our last unit in English this half term, we have been practising writing command sentences using imperative verbs and the Year 2 children have picked it up brilliantly. We then put all of our skills from this unit to make a leaflet on how to make friends with a ghost. Fantastic work Year 2!


Highlight of the week 07/10/24: Year 2 had such a great time in the second forest school session of the year. The children had to go on a hunt for as many autumn leaves as they could find to create their leaf wreaths. They even worked brilliantly with the children in Year 1 by assisting them to create their wreaths too.


Highlight of the week 23/09/24: Year 2 had a fantastic European day of languages yesterday. They had great fun surfing through the different classes learning new and exciting languages. Year 2 had a good time taking part in all the activities!


Highlight of the week 09/09/24: Year 2 had a fantastic afternoon at our Forest School session yesterday thanks to Mrs Mitchell. We spent our time looking for animals hidden all throughout the forest as well as preparing our bug hotel for this year to welcome in new critters. Year 2 had such a great time, and we look forward to our next session!